Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Grass is Always Greener...

Why is it that we always want what we don't have? It seems like I can always look at something someone else has and think " I want that!" or "Why not me?". As humans it seems like we always think oh if I just had this or if only my hair looked like hers or if only I lost 10 pounds I would be happy. But these things will NOT make us happy. Only the Grace of God can help us be truly happy. This is a hard concept to deal with. We are sinful by nature and are selfish and tend to think only of ourselves and what we don't have. 

Recently it seems like its that way with my dogs too. Lucy has always tried to control when Sadie eats and we have been working on it because we don't want Lucy to think she is the "alpha" as we are supposed to be "alpha" in our "pack". Now with the addition of sweet little Pepper they both seem to think that whatever food he has MUST be better than what we put in their bowls, even though they all  have matching bowls and all eat the same exact food.  Why is it that what others have always seems SO much better. BUT maybe from where others are my life might seem so much better.... I guess NONE of us, human or animal can escape the idea that someone else might be getting dealt a better hand than me!

I have been struggling with many of the feelings of "the grass is always greener". It takes many forms and I am trying to recognize it and overcome these feelings of jealousy for certain things that I desire ALOT! Recently God has given me a wonderful sense of calm, a gentle nudge that seems to say "April, I am in charge and I KNOW what I'm doing!!." Maybe this struggle will make it that much greater when my prayers are answered. Many people keep saying to me that God doesn't always answer the way we want, and that is hard to accept.Maybe this is all to teach me patience and to trust in the Lord! Only time will tell. But for now I just continue to pray for strength and peace and the knowledge and understanding that God is in control of my life!!

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