Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Well I guess I had my job prayers answered. I will be keeping my current job. AND it all comes down to health insurance. (plus the fact that I love my job, just want more money/less hours and who doesn't want that?!) It's pretty funny though because when I was offered the job I have I was just happy to get ANY form of health insurance, but now it is like well what do I need covered right now and what does my insurance cover (turns out we actually have better insurance than I thought which is REALLY good for us right now.) So I will be staying, and I think this is a good thing; but of course I am human and keep going but....more money, Friday's off!! But God knows what He is doing and I prayed about this and I guess this is my answer! I've always heard God works in mysterious ways and I guess this is my proof, LOL! 

So far in my life I have learned I am very stubborn, and I persevere to achieve what I want from life. Example: nursing school, there were ALOT of times I wanted to quit and do something else (or nothing LOL) I hope to eventually be a "stay-at-home Mom" but I knew that I needed a degree and a job that would enable me to care for these mythical children should something happen to my husband, or his job, etc. So I kept on going through the tough ex-army teachers and long hours and no sleep and crazy classes. Now I am a nurse! I may not have finished what my original goals were (WAY back in Nursing 101 I planned to become a nursing teacher!!) but maybe I will someday. But also I have come to realize dreams change, and I need to be content and proud of what I have while striving to better myself at the same time. This is hard as recent things have changed my dreams but I know that God will answer my prayers just maybe not the way I wanted or expected. I will continue to be myself and be stubborn and persevere! 

On Sunday our amazing pastor Dr. Ferguson taught from Luke 17:11-19  and it convicted both Stephen and I to thank the Lord more for what we do have. For me to come to Him not with a "bargaining tool" but to be thankful for the trials He has given us because they may be what will in fact bring us closer to Him. Just like it brought the 1 leper to God. I am so thankful for the pastor He has directed us to so that I can learn these things to apply to my life each Sunday that I would not think of for myself!

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