Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I LOVE country music!

For years I said "I don't like country music"! Then a few years ago my brother got into it and then my Dad and so whenever I got in their cars I heard country music. Needless to say it started to grow on me. Now it is pretty much ALL I listen too (other than my brother's music of course!). And I must say I feel "happier" when I listen to country music vs. pop music which is mostly rap and who know what right now. Maybe it is because there is a message or a story, or because there is a heavy Christian influence to most songs. Also most of the songs do not contain expletives that have to be censored. Well whatever the reason, I now say that I have become a "True Southerner"! complete with loving country music. 

Well today I was driving to work listening to the XM country station I like (Hyundai has yet to turn off the XM and I'm sooo glad!) and the song "Something to be proud of" by Montgomery Gentry really caught me. I have heard this song probably hundreds of times and I have always liked it. But today it was something I needed to hear. I am struggling with job decisions. Do I want to leave a job I know I like, but don't get paid enough to do to go to a new job I may not like but make more money? (and work 4 days a week vs 5) OR do I continue the Mon-Fri job I know I like and then go work at the prisons on the weekends to make extra money? OR WHAT??!! Well I know that money is not the most important thing, but having enough, or more than enough to live easily would certainly be something to desire! The lyrics that caught me this morning are these: 

That's something to be proud of
That's a life you can hang your hat on
You don't need to make a million
Just be thankful to be workin'
If you're doing what you're able
And putting food there on the table
And providing for the family that you love
That's something to be proud of

I don't know if this is pointing me in a certain direction job wise, but it did make me stop and think and say YES! I really do have things to be proud of. I have a great husband, two crazy but wonderful dogs, a nice house and we both have jobs. They may not be the jobs we want to have forever, and they may be jobs we should be striving to surpass but we are "putting food there on the table" (or on the floor for the dogs). While I am always tending to look to the future and think but if we ever have a baby I don't want to work, and I get frustrated. I am realizing through God's Grace to be more thankful for all that He has given me and not fret about a future that is not here yet. I know He will provide in an amazing way if any of those dreams come true. Until then I am going to trust Him to help me make the right decision about my job!

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