Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Well I guess I had my job prayers answered. I will be keeping my current job. AND it all comes down to health insurance. (plus the fact that I love my job, just want more money/less hours and who doesn't want that?!) It's pretty funny though because when I was offered the job I have I was just happy to get ANY form of health insurance, but now it is like well what do I need covered right now and what does my insurance cover (turns out we actually have better insurance than I thought which is REALLY good for us right now.) So I will be staying, and I think this is a good thing; but of course I am human and keep going but....more money, Friday's off!! But God knows what He is doing and I prayed about this and I guess this is my answer! I've always heard God works in mysterious ways and I guess this is my proof, LOL! 

So far in my life I have learned I am very stubborn, and I persevere to achieve what I want from life. Example: nursing school, there were ALOT of times I wanted to quit and do something else (or nothing LOL) I hope to eventually be a "stay-at-home Mom" but I knew that I needed a degree and a job that would enable me to care for these mythical children should something happen to my husband, or his job, etc. So I kept on going through the tough ex-army teachers and long hours and no sleep and crazy classes. Now I am a nurse! I may not have finished what my original goals were (WAY back in Nursing 101 I planned to become a nursing teacher!!) but maybe I will someday. But also I have come to realize dreams change, and I need to be content and proud of what I have while striving to better myself at the same time. This is hard as recent things have changed my dreams but I know that God will answer my prayers just maybe not the way I wanted or expected. I will continue to be myself and be stubborn and persevere! 

On Sunday our amazing pastor Dr. Ferguson taught from Luke 17:11-19  and it convicted both Stephen and I to thank the Lord more for what we do have. For me to come to Him not with a "bargaining tool" but to be thankful for the trials He has given us because they may be what will in fact bring us closer to Him. Just like it brought the 1 leper to God. I am so thankful for the pastor He has directed us to so that I can learn these things to apply to my life each Sunday that I would not think of for myself!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I LOVE country music!

For years I said "I don't like country music"! Then a few years ago my brother got into it and then my Dad and so whenever I got in their cars I heard country music. Needless to say it started to grow on me. Now it is pretty much ALL I listen too (other than my brother's music of course!). And I must say I feel "happier" when I listen to country music vs. pop music which is mostly rap and who know what right now. Maybe it is because there is a message or a story, or because there is a heavy Christian influence to most songs. Also most of the songs do not contain expletives that have to be censored. Well whatever the reason, I now say that I have become a "True Southerner"! complete with loving country music. 

Well today I was driving to work listening to the XM country station I like (Hyundai has yet to turn off the XM and I'm sooo glad!) and the song "Something to be proud of" by Montgomery Gentry really caught me. I have heard this song probably hundreds of times and I have always liked it. But today it was something I needed to hear. I am struggling with job decisions. Do I want to leave a job I know I like, but don't get paid enough to do to go to a new job I may not like but make more money? (and work 4 days a week vs 5) OR do I continue the Mon-Fri job I know I like and then go work at the prisons on the weekends to make extra money? OR WHAT??!! Well I know that money is not the most important thing, but having enough, or more than enough to live easily would certainly be something to desire! The lyrics that caught me this morning are these: 

That's something to be proud of
That's a life you can hang your hat on
You don't need to make a million
Just be thankful to be workin'
If you're doing what you're able
And putting food there on the table
And providing for the family that you love
That's something to be proud of

I don't know if this is pointing me in a certain direction job wise, but it did make me stop and think and say YES! I really do have things to be proud of. I have a great husband, two crazy but wonderful dogs, a nice house and we both have jobs. They may not be the jobs we want to have forever, and they may be jobs we should be striving to surpass but we are "putting food there on the table" (or on the floor for the dogs). While I am always tending to look to the future and think but if we ever have a baby I don't want to work, and I get frustrated. I am realizing through God's Grace to be more thankful for all that He has given me and not fret about a future that is not here yet. I know He will provide in an amazing way if any of those dreams come true. Until then I am going to trust Him to help me make the right decision about my job!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Live from Nashville, TN!

Ok, I have decided to join the world of blogging. (we shall see how long this lasts)

Well last Friday I decided to take the day off and was planning a nice relaxing 3 day weekend. I knew my parents were going to Nashville to visit my little brother and I was even taking care of their cats. My Mom told me they were leaving around noon on Friday...well at about 11 am I decided I REALLY wanted to go to Nashville! I had not seen my brother in a month and I missed him. So I tried calling my Mom...problem was she was at the doctor, and Dad was on a conference call for work. Hmm how can I go to Nashville? 

Eventually my Mom called back...sure I could come! BUT they were leaving from Downtown Columbia as soon as  she was done at the doctor. So i quickly called Stephen..I want to go to Nashville...do you care and oh yeah can you take care of my parents cats? Well trooper that he is (sometimes) with all my last minute stuff he said sure. I threw some stuff in a duffle took the quickest shower of my life, grabbed my cowboy boots (hello Nashville!) and met Stephen outside our house. OH YEAH I also convinced him to drive me downtown over his lunch break . Well fortunately my Dad's work call ran late and we met Mom at McDonald's and I said goodbye to hubby for the weekend. Eventually Mom, Dad and I left Columbia.

Well we hit two REALLY LONG delays on the way to Nashville that upset our dinner plans. But we enjoyed the trip...I think this was the first trip I had been on with just both my parents since before my little brother was born! AND  I had the WHOLE back seat of their car to myself!! (lately I have had to share with Stephen and Luke).  On the way to Nashville I said come on we have to listen to some country music! and Mom said oh yeah..maybe we can hear "the boys of fall" which she now loves. Dad turned on the radio and the first song we heard was  Craig Morgan's song "this aint nothing". Now  I have loved this song over the summer but over the weekend it grew to mean more.

It became our inside joke if you will...everything we might complain about...waiting in line for an hour in the hot sun at the pancake place, Dad would say "this aint nothing" ouch my feet hurt "this aint nothing". Sunday Luke was excited to take us to his Nashville church called Forward Church. They meet in what is at night a bar and music venue in downtown. Luke has met a guy who is homeless who goes to his church, and  seeing all the homeless and hearing Luke talk about his new friend really opened my eyes, and my heart. 

The night before we went to a "Christian Showcase" of Belmont students (and man all those kids at Belmont are VERY musically talented!) one of the singer/songwriters shared his testimony of being a drug addict/alcoholic and being homeless until he went to a mission and met people who led him to the Lord. Now he is a Junior at Belmont University! I can't even imagine the courage it took for him to just apply to college! And I realized  I take too much for granted. Yes, I might struggle to pay all my bills sometimes and be frustrated with my job sometimes but "this aint nothing"!!

I know that I want to be in control of my life but really I'm not. I may not understand why certain things are not working out for us right now and become very upset, even depressed. But this weekend has opened my eyes to what I've known all along....GOD IS IN CONTROL! He has a plan for my life, He knows what job I should be doing, what my husband will do, if he will go back to school, get a better job etc. Even if we will be blessed with a child. 

These are things I struggle with everyday, and things I try to control and shape on my own. But I can't do it without HIM! I just need to trust in the Lord and let him lead me/us on our lives. I pray that God will give me strength to trust Him and the courage to do so. Because I know that "this aint nothing" God has a plan for us and all my worries and struggles are nothing. I am so glad I got out of Columbia and experienced something I didn't think I would at Family Weekend at Belmont University.