Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We have had the great privilege to have my Dad's parents in Columbia for Christmas this year. I was able to cook all day with my Grammy on the 23rd at my house and on the 24th we took them to our church for the candle light Christmas Eve service. On Christmas we opened our presents at our house before heading to my parents house for our present exchange. We spent several hours opening gifts, making and eating breakfast and spending quality time with each other. After that Stephen and I went to his parents house where we had a fun time giving gifts to our niece and nephew, Elizabeth and Josiah. (and the rest of his family too!) We had a great time visiting with them and enjoying MORE FOOD! Then we went home for a few minutes to let the dogs out and then heading back to my parents house for Christmas dinner. We had a very busy day!!

Christmas night Stephen and I went home and played The Beatles Rockband and then I went to bed. Stephen woke me up around 2:30 am and told me to look outside and it was SNOWING! By 7 am when we woke up again we had about 2 inches on the ground! We took the dogs out and watched Lucy run around the yard and eating the snow. She was so cute. Then we took off for my parents house stopping at Starbucks to grab peppermint mochas to entice Luke to join in a snowball fight. We had a snowball fight and then made a snow man we named Pierre the adventurist snowman and set him up with a kayak and a paddle. We had SO much fun. Then Mom, Grammy and I took off for after Christmas shopping while the boys went to a sports bar to watch the Chief's game. It was a great day!!

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