Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We have had the great privilege to have my Dad's parents in Columbia for Christmas this year. I was able to cook all day with my Grammy on the 23rd at my house and on the 24th we took them to our church for the candle light Christmas Eve service. On Christmas we opened our presents at our house before heading to my parents house for our present exchange. We spent several hours opening gifts, making and eating breakfast and spending quality time with each other. After that Stephen and I went to his parents house where we had a fun time giving gifts to our niece and nephew, Elizabeth and Josiah. (and the rest of his family too!) We had a great time visiting with them and enjoying MORE FOOD! Then we went home for a few minutes to let the dogs out and then heading back to my parents house for Christmas dinner. We had a very busy day!!

Christmas night Stephen and I went home and played The Beatles Rockband and then I went to bed. Stephen woke me up around 2:30 am and told me to look outside and it was SNOWING! By 7 am when we woke up again we had about 2 inches on the ground! We took the dogs out and watched Lucy run around the yard and eating the snow. She was so cute. Then we took off for my parents house stopping at Starbucks to grab peppermint mochas to entice Luke to join in a snowball fight. We had a snowball fight and then made a snow man we named Pierre the adventurist snowman and set him up with a kayak and a paddle. We had SO much fun. Then Mom, Grammy and I took off for after Christmas shopping while the boys went to a sports bar to watch the Chief's game. It was a great day!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Big 2-5!

Well Yesterday I turned 25! It started with Stephen telling me happy birthday at midnight. I went to work and my wonderful co-worker Debbie had a pile of birthday/Christmas gifts waiting for me! She gave me my very own "Chicken Man" painting, some home made brownies, some cute Christmas socks, an ornament and a candle. There were cards and birthday greetings all day at work. Stephen brought me a Beezer's sub at lunch, it was soo yummy! Luke came for his first allergy shot and he suprised me with flowers! SO sweet!! When I left work one of the doctors helped me carry all my birthday goodies out to my car. 
My "Chicken Man" painting, I LOVE it!

The flowers Luke brought me
This was across the dash of my car when I left work. My sweet husband!!

After work I rushed home and showered and got ready for our shared birthday dinner with my parents and brother. (Stephen's birthday is the 19th) We got dressed and headed out to Carrabbas. I got sirloin marsala and it was the best thing I had tasted in a LONG time. After dinner we went to my parents house where my mom had made a Christmas themed "fun-feti" cake that I picked out for her. We ate cake and took pictures and watched some football. By then I was so tired I had to go home for some fur cuddles from my doggies.
I decided to take some fun pictures by my parents lake :)

Stephen decided to join in

Then the boat started to fall!

on the dock

my parents living room

the cake my mom made that fell apart, but it tasted great!

Stephen being silly while opening his birthday presents from my parents: xbox 360 games to go with the xbox 360 I got for him!

I can't believe I'm 25 now! Some days it seems pretty old...but some days I still feel like a kid with so many dreams and desires to fulfill. I'm thankful to have reached 25 and hope to have many more happy years to come!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My poor sweet Sadie...

About a month ago Sadie started limping. I took her to the vet and they couldn't find anything obvious wrong with it, gave me some pain medicine and told me that if she didn't get better to bring her back for x-rays. Well I figured she sprained her leg/foot as she is an extremely active and agile dog. (we have taught her to "play football" she will lay down when Stephen says down, she sits up when he says set, and when he says hike and throws the ball she runs after it! SUPER CUTE! and we taught her to jump through a hula hoop among other "accomplishments") So to see my sad girl unable to run and play and jump just about broke my heart.

So we gave it a few weeks figuring a sprain takes a couple weeks to heal, and did our best to not let her run or jump etc (which was hard let me tell ya!). But after a month we said ok, she needs the x-rays! We took her last night and they couldn't do the x-ray so we go back monday, but our vet said she thought it was her knee, that she thinks it is a torn cruciate ligament. Which like our cruciate ligaments holds our knee together. Unfortunately this is most likely going to require surgery. The vet told us that the best place for her to go (and least expensive) would be a five hour drive in Alabama! So I am already worried about cost, but she HAS to have the surgery. Hopefully it won't be fully torn and she won't require surgery but lots of rest.

Right now our vet told us to keep her on "crate rest", which is basically Sadie in her crate 24/7 except potty time. If we can ensure her being calm and laying/sitting down she can be out for short periods of time. Sadly this is hard. I went and got her a new toy today to give her a little entertainment for her "crate rest". My poor poor Sadie girl!!