Sunday, November 7, 2010

aah the weekend!

This weekend has been great. Friday (which I now have off YAY!) I spent with the dogs, we were cold cause Daddy had not turned on the heat yet so after he went to work we turned it on, hopped back in bed and cuddled for most of the day. I LOVE getting to spend time with my "fur kids" on Fridays all by myself. It is also nice to have some "alone" time because I spend my full time (37.5 hours crammed into 4 days) job talking to patients/other nurses/doctors etc. non-stop. So it is nice to be alone with the dogs and a computer and some crocheting or cleaning or laundry.
Saturday we relaxed in the morning and then went to my parent's house to start the process of scraping, sanding, and painting the doors, window, and porch railings on her front porch. I got very cold and convinced Stephen and Mom to stop around 5. Then Stephen went to a guy's movie night, Dad was at the USC football game and Mom and I went to Starbucks and shopping! I asked my parent's if I could possibly have an early birthday present because my old, trusty camera completely broke about a month ago. They said OK so off to Target we went and I have a new camera, YAY!! We spent the rest of the night cuddled for warmth (they don't have heat on yet lol) in her bed watching Letter's to Juliet while the guys were out with their friends.

The bowls I "made" for the dogs :)
Lucy being her goofy self and Pepper on the back of the chair.
Today was the Free to Breathe 5k. My co-workers husband was diagnosed June 2009 with stage 4 lung cancer and lost his courageous battle May 2010. We wanted to get a big team together in honor of him. We got amazing response from her friends, family, church etc. She had amazing t-shirts made for "Team Gary". It was a very special event. It was nice to see others in our community gathering to help raise money for more MUCH needed awareness and research for lung cancer. My coworkers daughter spoke at the event. I was amazed at her ability to speak in front of so many people about her Dad. She shared how the disease had changed their lives, but not all for the worse. God really opened up their eyes and brought them closer. She was very moving; a testimony not only for lung cancer but for bringing people to the Lord. It was awesome and I am so glad I was able to be a part of Team Gary.
My Mom and Dad, the front of the Team Gary shirts
The back of the shirts

after the walk at my parent's house
cuddling my 3 on the couch after the 5k

warm happiness in a cup? I think so!

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