Saturday, October 1, 2011

Following footsteps

I don't have cable television, but occasionally I have watched the show "Giuliana and Bill" while at my parents house. Especially after 2 people told me they had seen interviews with them about their infertility struggles. They have spent a lot of effort trying to educate people and get us all talking about something we don't talk about. Infertility is more common than it seems sometimes. (right now its like every time I turn around some one is pregnant and it just crushes me) If you watch the show regularly you know that they have now done IVF 3 times. The first time she got pregnant but had a miscarriage. The second time it didn't work. The third I don't know the outcome of yet. But I really hope it works for them! Plus it will help give me hope. I watched the season finale with my parents (Where they did IVF #3) Giuliana kept saying she was really scared and didn't want to get "sick" like last time. I had not seen their 2nd attempt but just looked it up (and am now sharing with you). It gave me goose bumps. She ended up exactly like me!! In the hospital for internal bleeding. Fortunately mine wasn't as severe (i.e. I didn't require a blood transfusion) but everything else was the same. Sadly we both ended up not pregnant afterwards too. During the scene she and Bill were both like "not again!!" and I completely understand. While I was going through my horror of IVF I kept saying "I hope this works because I REALLY don't want to do this again!" Sadly I do.

Well, after Giuliana and Bill didn't get pregnant after IVF #2 they took what they called "a year of fun". We are doing a modified version of that. I'm not ready to jump back into the possibility of internal bleeding again for no purpose. I can't even stand to think of how awful I felt. I was so sick I threw up in the car going about a block from my doctors office to the hospital several times. Thank God for IVs and Zofran and pain medicine! It is such a crazy feeling to not go right back into IVF because I want a baby sooo badly. But I need time off. So for our "Time of fun" I told my family I want a cruise for Christmas. It would be over our 4th anniversary, leaving from Charleston and going to the Bahamas. I am really really excited about it and already bought a gorgeous cocktail dress for the "Fancy" night on the cruise. I think it is a good idea for us to go on a vacation before we do IVF again. If it works then we wont have a just us vacation for a really long time!

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