Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Orthopedically Challenged Trio!

So last Thursday evening we were trying to finish getting ready for our trip to Fripp Island, SC on Friday. I got home first as I asked Stephen to run a few errands and grab some dinner. I decided to be nice and get all the dogs outside to potty before he came home so we could enjoy dinner together before rushing to pack/clean/etc. Problem is that Sadie was still not supposed to go down stairs so I decided that 50 pounds wasn't too heavy for me to carry (I had carried her before after all) but it just didn't work out on Thursday February 3rd. I'm not sure how it happened but I ended up falling one way and tried to correct the way my foot was turning and ended up turning it the other way too. All I know is I ended up sitting on the last step yelling and crying. OH! did I mention I was also trying to talk to my Mom while carrying Sadie down the stairs? ( I know dumb!!) So by the time I could think again (it hurt ALOT) I found my phone on the ground and crying told my Mom I think I just broke my ankle! She said ok I'm gonna call Stephen, since I told her he was on his way home, and then call me back. I heard him pull up and called out to him and then heard him talk to Mom on the phone, then he was running around to the backyard to help me get inside. We grabbed our icepack from the freezer and put it on my ankle which was already swelling and decided to go to Doctor's Care vs. the ER.

They took some x-rays and didn't see any breaks so I was told it was a sprain, no work for a week and if it still hurts after a week maybe follow up with an orthopedic doctor. He gave me some pain meds and sent us on our way. We did go to Fripp and had a pretty good time. I was on crutches and in a lot of pain. But it is so beautiful there and it was nice to see family. By the time Monday came I was no better so I called a girl I graduated nursing school with who works for an orthopedic office. She worked me in on Tuesday morning. They took more x-rays and found what looked like a break so they put me in a "air cast" that was removable and then scheduled and MRI to take a look at everything for the next day. By Thursday I felt like something was wrong with this boot thing, it was  not staying inflated so we went back and got a new insert for the boot. It seemed to help.

Friday I called because my nursing supervisor needed to know any limitations I would have upon returning to work and they said none. So I forced myself to walk on the foot with the boot knowing I would have to come Monday. After going to Target with my Mom I knew that this boot was also malfunctioning. I called them again and they said to come to their walk in clinic and see a doctor who may put me in a cast as I by then was requesting. When the doctor came in he asked if anyone had told me my MRI results yet, and we said no. He said oh ok well I will tell you. How is you foot? Still hurting? and I said yes. He said ok well that's because you have two breaks. One on each side of your ankle. I was like WOW I really hurt myself! But also like HA I KNEW IT WAS BROKEN!!! (I like to be right :) He put me in cast said no weight bearing because the bones I broke are major weight bearing bones. Wrote me a note for work and off we went. I still have to follow up with a foot/ankle specialist on the 22nd but until then atleast I know my foot is secure like it needs to be, even thought the cast is a pain.

OH YEAH!! This week has not been a good week for us because we took Lucy back to the vet about her left back leg and she also has a torn ACL (probably from slipping in the snow/ice) and needs surgery. We met with the same surgeon who did Sadie's knee. Sadie had a follow up so we took Lucy at the same time. He was SOO understanding and said if or when we decided to do her surgery he would be willing to take payments from us vs. having to pay it all up front. That is not something they usually do so I was VERY thankful. But he did understand we have to wait for taxes and some more updates on my foot/ leg before we can move on to Lucy's. So basically all three of the girls in our little family are having leg problems!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sexy Sadie and the long and winding road to recovery

Well it has been almost 3 weeks since Sadie had her knee surgery and she is doing wonderful! She hated every second she was forced to wear the cone but we knew we had to force her so she wouldn't tear her stitches. We started to do slight range of motion exercises and very short walks around our yard to keep her from complete muscle atrophy. We spent some time at my parents' house and took Sadie with us. She laid on the couch and accepted any pets her Grandparent's had to offer. Even demanding them at some points. One night we were there with just my Mom because my Dad was out of town on business; we ate dinner while Sadie was on the couch and then my Mom went to sit on the couch. Sadie immediately stood up and made her way to my Mom's side putting her front paws on her lap and laying her head down. It was SOO sweet! My Mom has always loved Sadie but was able to witness the truth in our saying how sweet and cuddly she really is. In the past Sadie was always very hyper and jumpy around my parents....maybe she is growing up! Well we will see anyway. ...

Last Friday was a wonderful day, Sadie and I took a trip further into Elgin and got her stitches out! The vet said he had never seen a dog do so well in recovery from this surgery as Sadie has done. I was so happy and proud. The doctor and all the employees at the animal hospital LOVE Sadie! She is not so sure about them least not anymore...Not long after her surgery we had to take her back to the hospital to spend the day as a patient due to a side effect from her antibiotics. Poor girl was having awful diarrhea and her rear was very uncomfortable and inflamed. They took care of her and gave her some new medicines to combat this side effect and we took extra care to keep her clean after potty with baby wipes. It was a rough couple days but she is all better now.

So now Sadie is allowed to take 15 minute walks that can include some hills and we go back for a recheck in another week (4 weeks post op). She thinks she is all better and has taken to being sneaky when we allow her some freedom from her crate...sometimes she will suddenly appear in the kitchen when we left her on the couch..or even worse we find her on our bed! She is not supposed to jump up or down anything yet, but I think she is okay. She is certainly a very ornery dog (much like her Mom I know LOL). I am ready for her to be better but I can tell she is already better than before the surgery!! She has some of her "beardie bounce" back and it makes my heart so happy! I don't know what I would do without my three wonderful dogs!